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First teamday of 2024

The 1st Essensor team day in 2024 took place in Carmel Market in Utrecht. Specifically on this day we reflected on, among other things, our performance in 2023 and strategic choices for 2024 and 2025.

Perhaps the nicest and most inspiring part of the day, however, were the mystery visits that we carried out in small teams during lunch in various local lunch places in Utrecht. We did this in the context of the topic ‘exceeding customer expectations’.

During these visits we paid attention to the following aspects of the service: Hospitality, Quality of the food and drinks and the Hygiene and Cleanliness of the establishment. An illuminating exercise to experience and assess service through the eyes of a customer. Naturally, these also refer to our brand promises ‘You are welcome’ and ‘Grip on quality’.

By the way, compliments for Naomi Hoogenboom and her team at Carmel Market. Service and hospitality were very well taken care of.

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